The image on the left shows the projection of the entire volume of the simulation at redshift z=1.2 of the gas density in green, the gas temperature in red, and the gas metallicity in blue. |
Here is a thin slice through the light cone down to z=1.5 and a deeper version or a deeper and larger version of it. |
Here is a the light cone down to z=1.5 for the gas density the temperature or a and the stellar density of it. |
The corresponding galaxy catalogue is available here. |
The same in redshift space. |
An image of the skeleton of the corresponding black hole catalogue. You can also browse a large image through the skymap viewer. You can zoom in and out. The depth of the image is only a quarter of the box, but is full size on the side. |
Left is an image of the dark matter density, gas density, gas temperature, gas metallicity, and stellar density around a massive halo at redshift 1.2 viewed from different scales. |
An an artistic rendering of the psychedelic stary black holes over the density/temperature/metallicity map of the light cone at redshift one. Note that the galaxies are also visible at this resolution. At lower redshift (near z=1) it looks like this (4k x 40 k image! 24 Mb) |
This movie corresponds to a large scale scroll through the cone. |
And the corresponding movie on the largest scale of the simulation. |
The movie (random region) on a smaller scale around a random position of the field. |
Around a void movie (void region). |
Or around a dense region movie (dense region). |